Code of Ethics

United Way of North Idaho is committed to maintaining high ethical standards. Each member of our Board of Directors and professional staff adhere to the following Code of Ethics. 


United Way of North Idaho (UWNI) is committed to the highest ethical standards. The success of our United Way depends upon the ethical conduct of everyone affiliated with UWNI. This Code establishes key guidelines to assist UWNI volunteers and staff in making good decisions that are ethical and in accordance with applicable legal requirements.



Confidential information about constituents (donors and non-donors), as well as confidential information about UWNI, in the oral form or in electronic or print media is protected so that the relationship of trust between the constituent and the organization is upheld. Such confidential information includes, but is not limited to, donor giving information, fundraising and marketing strategies, agency allocations, certain financial information, and payroll and personnel records.  In addition, no staff member or volunteer shall sell, release or provide the UWNI constituent list or information contained within the list and/or database to anyone for external purposes without prior approval of the UWNI Board President or UWNI Executive Director.



  • All staff and volunteers shall accept responsibility for their actions and shall be accountable for promoting good stewardship of UWNI resources.
  • All staff and volunteers shall observe and comply with all laws and regulations affecting UWNI.
  • Adhere to Conflicts of Interest Policy adopted by UWNI



  • Strive to meet the highest standards of performance, quality, service, and achievement in working towards the UWNI mission.
  • Communicate honestly and openly and avoid misrepresentation by making full and fair disclosure of all relevant information to donors, volunteers, and funded agencies.
  • Refrain from accepting any gift, entertainment, service, loan or promise of future benefits from any person who might benefit or appear to benefit from such volunteer’s or staff’s connections with UWNI. This is not intended, however, to apply to gifts and/ or similar entertainment of nominal value that clearly are in keeping with good business ethics and do not obligate the recipient.
  • Promote a working environment where honesty, open communication, and minority opinions are valued.
  • Exhibit respect and fairness toward all those with whom we come into contact.



  • Value, champion and embrace diversity in all aspects of UWNI activities.
  • UWNI respects others without regard to race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation/ identity, age, disability, or national origin.



The standard behavior at the United Way of North Idaho is that all staff, volunteers, and board members scrupulously avoid conflicts of interest between the interest of the United Way on one hand, and personal, professional, and business interests on the other. This includes avoiding potential and actual conflicts of interest, as well as perceptions of conflicts of interest.

  • If any staff, board member, or volunteer is concerned of personal conflict or aware of another potential conflict of interest, he/she should report such concern to the UWNI President or UWNI Executive Director.
  • The purpose of this policy is to protect the integrity of the United Way of North Idaho’s decision-making process, to enable our constituencies to have confidence in our integrity, and to protect the integrity and reputations of volunteers, staff, and board members.
  • Any staff or board member will disclose, in the course of meetings or activities, any interest in a transaction or decision where one’s business, other nonprofit affiliations, family and/or significant other, employer, or close associates will receive a financial benefit or gain. After disclosure, staff / board member will be permitted to participate in the discussion but will not be permitted to vote on the question, and have the option to leave the room for the vote.



Volunteers, staff and representatives are encouraged to seek guidance from the Executive Director concerning the interpretation or application of this Code of Ethics. Any known or possible breaches of the Code of Ethics should be disclosed. Reports of possible breaches will be handled in the following manner:

  • All reports of possible breaches will be treated in confidence as much as the organization’s duty to investigate and the law allow. If confidentiality cannot be maintained, the individual disclosing the possible breach will be notified.
  • All reported breaches will be investigated by the Board President, Executive Director, or designee.
  • Retaliation against a person who suspects and reports a breach in good faith will be treated as an independent breach of the Code of Ethics.
  • UWNI affirms prompt and fair resolution of all reported breaches.